Deciding to pursue a career in architecture is a big decision that requires careful consideration.
Education + Experience + Exams = Licensure

AIA New York State (AIANYS) publishes The Schools of Architecture in New York State, a guide to some of the most respected schools of architecture located throughout the state. This book will help you familiarize yourself with the options available as you consider architecture as a field of study. The schools have provided initial information about the current degree programs offered that related to the profession of architecture. Hyperlinks are provided throughout the publication to further explore the programs on their websites.
Learn about the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) certification and the New York State Office of the Professions’ paths to licensure. This section provides invaluable insights for students aiming to transform their architectural passion into a professional career.
We urge you to contact your local AIA chapter or the AIANYS Student Director. They can put you in touch with architects in your area. Many chapter members are happy to participate in career days or meet with students to discuss what they do and answer questions. Also, many chapters offer financial assistance through scholarships to students interested in studying architecture. Contact your local chapter to find out if they offer financial aid.
If your high school doesn’t offer architecture courses, one way to gain valuable experience is to attend a college summer program. Many colleges offer these programs to introduce young students to the study of architecture.
Getting involved in a pre-professional organization while in high school is also highly recommended. The largest organization is The American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS). Membership is open to high school and college students, interns, and professionals from any country. For more information, check out the website