Career Center

At the American Institute of Architects New York State, we are committed to nurturing the next generation of architects, design professionals and leaders. Our Career Center is a comprehensive resource designed to guide aspiring architects and design professionals through stages of their educational and professional journey.

K-12 Programs: Discover engaging K-12 programs and initiatives that inspire young minds to explore the world of architecture. These programs offer a glimpse into the creative and technical aspects of the profession, paving the way for a future in architecture and related design programs.

Pursuing a Career in Architecture: Navigate through our detailed guide on New York State’s Schools of Architecture. Learn about National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) accredited colleges and universities, the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) certification and the New York State Office of the Professions’ paths to licensure for the profession of architecture. This section provides invaluable insights for students aiming to transform their architectural passion into a professional career.

Scholarships: We believe financial constraints should never hinder talent. Our scholarship section highlights various funding opportunities available to support aspiring architects. From tuition assistance to research grants, we are here to help you find the financial support you need to pursue your architectural dreams.

Job Opportunities: Step into the professional world with confidence. Our job opportunities section features a range of positions within the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry, from internships for students to advanced roles for experienced professionals. This platform connects our members with the latest career opportunities in architecture across New York State and beyond.

Embark on your architectural journey with the American Institute of Architects New York State as your guide and partner. Explore, learn, and grow with us.